

How bad is it where your at?
Forecast for us is 100 degrees with 110 heat index.
That's about as hot as it gets in this country.:eek:
We get to 100 once in a while, I can't remember this kind of humidity. :confused:
Right around 95 degrees...power and water back on, gasoline now available but outages in total are still in the mid 6 figures in Ohio/ WVa/etc. after the recent storm....which they are now calling a land hurricane.
Good place to give a large nod of thanks to the electric workers who have been called in from as far as Oklahoma to set things right.:10sign::thumbsup:
Warmish. High 90's, maybe hitting over 100.

Been unusually warm for a long time, and no rain...something like three-tenths of an inch in all of June, and May was dry as well. Corn is up, but not happy. Farmers are getting worried (but, in fairness, that's what farmers do...from drought years to boom years. I gave up when a neighbor was worrying about what he was going to do with the great crop he had one year. :) )

Not a joke though. Throughout the U.S., weather is (to us) aberrant. Maybe in the history of the planet, it is just business as usual, but for us folks, this is problematic.

Hang in as best you can.
At 1:40 we are at 95, not as bad as yesterday, we have a breeze and sooooo much moisture in the air the sun is not beating up on us as much as sometimes.
Kismet, we up here have at least been getting precipe. Dry as heck then downpours, dry as heck then more downpours. But boy, better then what you've got.
Crop insurance. Farmers do OK with it. In some cases [most?] like "my ship has come home":cheers:
I've got 102 at 1:48 in kansas. Stuff is drying up fast around here. We have had no rain here for 2 plus weeks. Not much before that. It has been around 100 last couple of weeks.
I saw the other day a town in Kansas (dont remember the name) was the hottest place in the world at 115.:eek: Hasn't been over 100 for over a month but I start paving next week so I'm expecting about 110 not to mention the asphalt hitting the ground at 325 or so degrees.:thumbsup: Now that's fun.
It was 116F heat index in town today (worst in the country near as I can tell). We had several of these days the last two summer. There is a place in Minnesota (Houston) that had a 132F heat index on day last year.
Crop insurance. Farmers do OK with it. In some cases [most?] like "my ship has come home"

Not around here. Corn is feed for cows; cows give milk; milk pays the bills.

Very few are just raising cash crops. This is family farm territory. Even set-aside acres have been put back in production to try and make a return on the current feed shortage.

Just heard today that the corn on the high ground is starting to brown out. Serious business.

I'm not built for the kind of ambition that would put you in a situation which puts you at the absolute mercy of the weather. Takes a special kind of folk.

Just heard today that the corn on the high ground is starting to brown out. Serious business.:)

My wife and I were visiting family in Mazomanie WI last week and that was indeed the case. Corn was in bad shape.:(
I saw the other day a town in Kansas (dont remember the name) was the hottest place in the world at 115.:eek: Hasn't been over 100 for over a month but I start paving next week so I'm expecting about 110 not to mention the asphalt hitting the ground at 325 or so degrees.:thumbsup: Now that's fun.

yea Quail hound,

that city was Hill City, which is right where a good chunk of us bird hunt. :eek:That can't be good for fall prospects, and it was poor last year.
We were under a Tornado warning until 3 am. Tornadoes reported with little damage. At home we had a couple inch down pour, don't know what happened at the ranch 10 miles away. There was nickel size hail in some areas.
The last hail storm totally demolished some irrigated crops just a couple miles from my ranch, I had some corn leaves stripped, the corn recovered.
It's funny how these summer thunderstorms are, downpours and a half mile away, sunshine and dust.:confused:
I was up the shore in NE Minnesota on Wednesday and we hit 63 degrees. Someone actually mentioned wind chill. Today back in the cities, not so much. Ugh.
Yea I feel for all you poor guys that have hot temps and High humidity. You all come down here and cool down. LOL:D
Supposed to be 106 today in the high shrub-steppe of SE WA. Thunderstorms are also a potential, which makes for an ugly combination as dry as it is. Took a ride yesterday & it is tinder-dry.