High volume shooting


Active member
That's a pile of 20ga shells. I understand that for many, high volume shooting of doves can become boring. I would love to give it a go sometime but what use to be a affordable hunt, is now pretty much a rich man's game.
That's a pile of 20ga shells. I understand that for many, high volume shooting of doves can become boring. I would love to give it a go sometime but what use to be a affordable hunt, is now pretty much a rich man's game.

Most guys couldn't afford the ammo, much less the cost of the trip.
That's alot of empty hulls. :eek: I wonder what the pile of birds look like next to the hull pile????
That's alot of empty hulls. :eek: I wonder what the pile of birds look like next to the hull pile????

If it's me shooting the doves there was probably only a dozen or so dead ones................ If I was lucky:D
From what I have read and been told. Most guys ammo bill is more then the cost of the trip. Kind of ridiculous that they are charging $12-$14 a box for cheap, many times off brand low base loads. They are making a killing on these hunts. It use to be about $1500 to $2500 on a South American wing shooting adventure. Now it's more like $5,000 to $10,000 grand
It would be fun for a little while but I think I'd prefer spending the money on something that's more of a hunt and less of a shoot.
I have had some great Hunts on Doves. Both in Colo and Kansas. Much cheaper!!!! I don't need to shoot 500 doves a day!!! I good 3 day trip and get to smell the powder burning here close by is all I need!! I have had Dove hunts where I could not keep the damn gun loaded!!! Fun, but horrible shooting!!! Also had days only fired 20 shells and had my limit!!!! And no Coot I wasn't shooting them out of the tree's or off the Wires!!!!! But I have shot 5-6 boxes a day before!!!! No need for me to attend Argentina!!!:cheers:
I have had some great Hunts on Doves. Both in Colo and Kansas. Much cheaper!!!! I don't need to shoot 500 doves a day!!! I good 3 day trip and get to smell the powder burning here close by is all I need!! I have had Dove hunts where I could not keep the damn gun loaded!!! Fun, but horrible shooting!!! Also had days only fired 20 shells and had my limit!!!! And no Coot I wasn't shooting them out of the tree's or off the Wires!!!!! But I have shot 5-6 boxes a day before!!!! No need for me to attend Argentina!!!:cheers:


5-6 boxes a day????:eek:Those must have been gold plated doves.:D:cheers:
They also offer duck and goose hunting, which you can incorporate into a combo hunt with doves, or as a stand alone.

Imagine 50 ducks per day, per shooter. Then there are pigeons which are decoyed similar to ducks. Those two IMO would offer a much more interesting shoot and while the volume of birds would not be the same as with doves, it would still be like 10 years worth of gunning back at home. Sooner or later pulling the trigger at 1-2000+ rounds a day on doves would become tiring for me and lose it's pizzazz.

Cost wise it's not cheap and for many it would be a once-in-a-lifetime event. I have seen where some outfitters will offer 1000 rounds of ammo free, but no question the ammo is far and away the most expensive portion of the hunt.
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They also offer duck and goose hunting, which you can incorporate into a combo hunt with doves, or as a stand alone.

Imagine 50 ducks per day, per shooter. Then there are pigeons which are decoyed similar to ducks. Those two IMO would offer a much more interesting shoot and while the volume of birds would not be the same as with doves, it would still be like 10 years worth of gunning back at home.

Cost wise it's not cheap and for many it would be a once-in-a-lifetime event. I I have seen where some outfitters will offer 1000 rounds of ammo free, but your right the ammo is far and away the most expensive portion of the hunt.

Limits on ducks have been severely curtailed in many areas. There use to be no limit.

One of the biggest outlaws to ever grace the sport of waterfowling in the U.S. goes to South America now and kills 1,000's a year there. Well back in the states he pumps sunshine up everybody's butt about how he's reformed and a conservationist. I just so happen to have access to his private facebook and he has tons of pictures and stories about his killings both here and in South America. One story, he and 4 friends killed near 500 Pintail's in south Texas in 5 days, mostly drakes he said. He's a "God" to many southern waterfowlers. He's a poacher to me and always will be.
A cheaper alternative to Argentina may be Mexico. Still plenty of volume (Ducks or doves) for those that love to pull the trigger.

I'm not sure who you were referring to Onpoint, but if it's true, then he is a sad excuse for a sportsman.
A cheaper alternative to Argentina may be Mexico. Still plenty of volume (Ducks or doves) for those that love to pull the trigger.

I'm not sure who you were referring to Onpoint, but if it's true, then he is a sad excuse for a sportsman.

I have the pictures and interview with him to prove it. I'm just saying..some folks go down there more for the killing then the hunting. This particular person chooses to go to a country with no limits. He's also never spent a single day in jail or suffered a single loss of his hunting privileges.

I would post some pics but I'm not sure that would be the best idea. I have no yen to stir up a legal battle with the individual. How he's avoided any prosecution is beyond me. He openly brags about his past and not a soul does a thing about it. If he was from up north. He would be stamping license plates for a living. He was involved with a huge snow goose kill that made the pages of all the popular hunting magazines. It was not popular with many. They used cell phones, 2 way radio's, numerous trucks and boxed the geese in. Flock shooting and killed over a 1000 snow geese. Had them piled in pickups like cord wood. That's not a hunter and it made all of us look like idiots as hunters. Non hunters associated them with us.

The great Tony Dean touched on it, God rest his soul. He was a true hunter and conservationist. Our sport lost a great one.

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Here's a pic of the snow geese
I made a rule for myself to only take 1 box of shells out with me for a dove shoot. Sometimes I bring home a limit, most times I don't.:D