Happy Birthday Blackcloud

Thats right he's a year older and twice as dumb:D Was going to send him a picture of my thumb dressed up like a Farveo text message:eek: but I thought that would be wrong:) Hope he gets that disco record he's alway wanted:thumbsup: HAPPY BIRTHDAY gray haired, half gotte brother:)
Happy Birthday old man....:10sign::thumbsup:
Happy Birthday !!!! Please feel free to send us any pic's from the Party!!:cheers:
had a great day. turned my phone off so coot couldnt call me. wife took me out of town also. coot admit it your just jealous that when i was born i got all the brains and good looks and you got left with crap:cheers:
Belated happy B-Day, BC. You're one tough SOB to have survived growing-up with Cootie.
Best wishes!:thumbsup: