Hairy Hairy Died

Yupp roughly 14 years Hairy Haiys been around. Putting my shoes on you morning and this hairy dog showed up on my porch. Scared the carp out of me:) was going to shoot her but could she owner never treated her right because she was scared of humans. So I decide to give her a chance. Well she made the most of it:thumbsup: Loyal dog barked when cars pulled in, never made a mess, Taught 2 labs the ropes for dogs living on the farm and taught them well:thumbsup: I'll miss her morning rabbit hunts. didn't stand a chance in heck but she tried her best. Wait she did get one ran under her and she sat on it. Boy was she proud:) She was famous for her lion hair cuts. I'd shave body close but leave the neck what a wild looking beast:)
What should I do Save a dog from the pound or get another lab so browndog can help me teach his replacement? Got to have two browndog needs company.
Get the dog that picks you, Coot . . . just like Hairy did. My condolences on your loss.
Very sorry for your loss coot. I like the idea of adopting another in memory of Hairy hairy.
Sorry Coot,

Thats the only down side to dogs, they don't live for ever. You have to enjoy them when you have them. You can't ever forget them and they make a mark on your soul.

What is dog spelled backwards...... God.:thumbsup::cheers:
sorry about your lose cootie. the IQ factor on the farm really went down when hairy died. she was alot smarter than you. do you want me to see if browndog breeder is still in business?
Hairy sounds like the type of dogs we had around in my younger years.
Dang,:( I still miss em.
Sorry for Your loss Coot. Get a pup.:thumbsup:
Sorry Coot,

Thats the only down side to dogs, they don't live for ever. You have to enjoy them when you have them. You can't ever forget them and they make a mark on your soul.

What is dog spelled backwards...... God.:thumbsup::cheers:

Well said!

Sorry for you loss. Sounds like Hairy was sent from above for one reason or another.
:-( losing pets hard. Lots of tears