Gun control on Sunday nite football


New member
Just who in the he-- does Bob Costas think he is--at the end of half time for the Cowboys--Eagles game WE GOT A GUN CONTROL PITCH--not why I watch and I QUIT WATCHING THIS ONE---and I'm gonna write the network too. Football--- BOB--- Football :mad::p:(
I saw that
I just read that article from the guy costas quoted but cant find it now. It was really upsetting to read. 100% the guns fault.
Costas was out of line......obviously NBC gave him the green light.

what if the player was gunned down by an intruder or shot an intruder in self defense?..........well?
Costas needs to shut his little mouth and stick with football. I am familiar with Jason Whitlock, I've read his articles and listened to him. To me, he's racist, and definately not worth listening to........

I heard Costas' little rant last night at halftime of the game, rediculous.....
The link worked for me. They got my vote, whatever that's worth:rolleyes:

As much as I hate to admit it, this guy could'a killed me with his bare hands. Same goes for most grown men that he might have encountered in a fit of rage; the poor girl wouldn't have had a chance against him. Guys his size can drop Volvo-sized objects on fellow humans. Might he have still killed himself if he didn't have that gun? Well, he had a car that he could've taken up to 140mph and found a bridge pillar to drive into, possibly hurting others in the process. Where there is a will there is a way, modern tools or none. Bringing gun control up as something that could've saved this girl's life is just silly:mad:

Was he a convicted felon by chance? Is that how the gun control system failed us in the mind of this journalist?
The link worked for me. They got my vote, whatever that's worth:rolleyes:

As much as I hate to admit it, this guy could'a killed me with his bare hands. Same goes for most grown men that he might have encountered in a fit of rage; the poor girl wouldn't have had a chance against him. Guys his size can drop Volvo-sized objects on fellow humans. Might he have still killed himself if he didn't have that gun? Well, he had a car that he could've taken up to 140mph and found a bridge pillar to drive into, possibly hurting others in the process. Where there is a will there is a way, modern tools or none. Bringing gun control up as something that could've saved this girl's life is just silly:mad:

Was he a convicted felon by chance? Is that how the gun control system failed us in the mind of this journalist?

I have to agree with you on this one. Whether it was a kitchen knife or a lamp cord, she was probably going to die.
Is anyone really suprised?

Society always looks for something other than the obvious to blame.

A nut kills his g/f and later himself. It's not his fault or the people who might have been able to stop it.

A kid can't behave in school. The parents blame the school,the school wants to drug him into a zombie.

A poor guy robs a liquor store. It's not his fault,it's everyone elses fault that he doesn't have a job.
Can't believe you guys watch a halftime show:) Thats like watching tabloid news bunch of S### that represents 1% of the population:eek: What I say about gun laws COME AND GET IT:eek:
Look at this incident and the OJ incident, there's only one constant.

Football players.

Guns don't kill people, football players kill people. Lets ban them.
Can't believe you guys watch a halftime show:) Thats like watching tabloid news bunch of S### that represents 1% of the population:eek: What I say about gun laws COME AND GET IT:eek:

I can't believe people would take the time to vote on a CNN online poll. :eek:
Little different twist on the gun deal.

How could someone the size of the GF, protect themselves against someone his size?
Maybe a gun?
I'm not surprised, this is how people like Costas get their jobs with the main steam media.
Extremists, go after isolated incidence and run with it.
You come across it all the time in the big city newspapers also.
There are probably more non registered handguns then registered in the US?
So why eliminate the registered ones, makes no sense.
Jason Whitlock now says, "NRA is the new KKK"..........

These people are absolutely clueless......

Todays Entitlement Society??? Blame everyone but yourself.
No matter what happens, their always the victim.
Keep spending taxpayers money, I don't pay taxes so I don't care......
Keep the Obamaphones coming........
Jason Whitlock now says, "NRA is the new KKK"..........

These people are absolutely clueless......

Todays Entitlement Society??? Blame everyone but yourself.
No matter what happens, their always the victim.
Keep spending taxpayers money, I don't pay taxes so I don't care......
Keep the Obamaphones coming........

Who cares what he says. Most of us didn't even know him until Sunday Night. Don't give him a stage...ignore him and him and his ideas will just go away. Keep this ember burning and it has much more of a chance of turning into a fire.
Can't believe you guys watch a halftime show:) Thats like watching tabloid news bunch of S### that represents 1% of the population:eek: What I say about gun laws COME AND GET IT:eek:

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN Brother Coot!!!