Furry beast

It's that time of year when I go to the woods to kill the furry beast. The one pheasant left in the state thanks me every morning:D I must of really did good last year because no ones doing very good:thumbsup: Does anyone else trap and how you doing?
3 coon (ratcoon guys:D)
4 possum
1 rabbit
1 squirrel
Not a trapper but glad to see guys are out there doing it killing all the nest raiders they can.

I do kill a few coyotes, coons,possums,and skunks by calling and just running across them with the dogs while out after birds.
2 coon 1 skunk 1 possum all in my back yard in town by my koi pond. damn that skunk went spider monkey in the live trap. stunk up the WHOLE neighborhood.