favorite event

I've been watching the olympics:thumbsup: Some events not for sure why they would be considered olympic. That dancing in the water seems kinda silly. Probably came from the disco era:eek: blackcloud could shed some light on that:D I think it should be replaced by water chicken fighting:thumbsup: What would be more awesome then a team of gals on guys shoulders beating the $h!t out of each other:10sign: And that was a fun sport when I was growing up.
Ok back to my question. Whats the best olympic sport? Im undecided because every day I see something groovier. GO USA:10sign:
Summer Olympics I would choose 4X100 relay. As a retired ski bum my favorite is the mens down hill. Best one ever Franz Klammer in Innsbruck Austria.
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I'm going to give a serious answer.

Maybe 'cuz I raised daughters, the women's gymnastics always has me astonished that humans can do that sort of thing(s).

All the other athletes seem to be adults, but the women's gymnasts all seem to be little girls, doing unbelievable stuff, and suffering the agonies and joys of kids competing at a level that adults have to see to believe. I understand that intensity, having lived through it as a Dad.

I ran hurdles as a kid, so I like the hurdles; other events only interest me as I see them on the Olympics.

The South African guy with prosthesis is a study in courage; as are his parents.

There's probably other stuff that will occur to me (as I see them), but the kids in the gymnastics are the stuff of wonder.
