ENOUGH already...


Super Moderator
Are you entitled to an opinion...yes; but who wants to hear it? Has the ability to speak through a typed message given 'us' the right to become self proclaimed experts...or in some cases, keyboard bullies?

I'm tired of post where members become challenging and argumentative. If it does not need to be said, then zip it. You don't want to buy it, then don't! Your dog, gun, truck is the best...I get it!

Now, lets all take a deep breath and move on. We are here because we have a passion and a common interest. Positive peer interaction will strengthen the site, but continued negativity will hurt it.
About time you man up Carp and see all the damage you're doing:D You better be nice when I kick your butt in the NFL weekly picks too:eek: Does this mean I have to be nice when it comes to the Vikings:D They take the bait so easy:D
Are you entitled to an opinion...yes; but who wants to hear it? Has the ability to speak through a typed message given 'us' the right to become self proclaimed experts...or in some cases, keyboard bullies?

I'm tired of post where members become challenging and argumentative. If it does not need to be said, then zip it. You don't want to buy it, then don't! Your dog, gun, truck is the best...I get it!

Now, lets all take a deep breath and move on. We are here because we have a passion and a common interest. Positive peer interaction will strengthen the site, but continued negativity will hurt it.

Didn't realize I singled anybody out; however, its been my experience that the first time is not the problem, it's the last time that you should be concerned with.
Do we need a sub-forum called "Personal Rants?" ;)
Nice to see the warning, although I've not noticed much "stuff" on this Forum.

But throughout sites I've visited or posted on, courtesy seems to be an oft forgotten behavior. Not sure if it is the universality of the internet, or the anonymity of the poster, and just a rise in mean-spirited behaviors.

Bothers me a bit, but I'm old, and a lot of stuff that I notice may be a function of my life and times, and currently acceptable to younger men and women.

Then, some folks just like the freedom to be obnoxious with no penalty. This medium provides vast opportunities to do so.

Mostly, though, I find outdoorsmen to be a civil and courteous lot, with their observations to be constructive, not destructive.

Glad to see the monitoring.:thumbsup:
When a person comes on here with no intent on adding to our forum just peddling something or looking for handouts on where to hunt it gets some of the boys on here riled up.:D
Did I miss something? Or, did SHADOW sneek back on UPH:D:D
Are you entitled to an opinion...yes; but who wants to hear it? Has the ability to speak through a typed message given 'us' the right to become self proclaimed experts...or in some cases, keyboard bullies?

I'm tired of post where members become challenging and argumentative. If it does not need to be said, then zip it. You don't want to buy it, then don't! Your dog, gun, truck is the best...I get it!

Now, lets all take a deep breath and move on. We are here because we have a passion and a common interest. Positive peer interaction will strengthen the site, but continued negativity will hurt it.

The above is an excellent post and fine example of that "positive peer interaction." Let's have more of such positive posts! :D
Nothing sets me off faster then when someone who may disagree with your idea or opinion and the political labeling comes flying out like a weapon. Some could inject politics into virtually any subject. Grrrr really chaps my hide.
I'm not one to be a snitch........but it looks like the students have gone awry in the SD forum. JMC you better break out the special ruler:D

Onpoint, I wholeheartedly agree.
Some people need an "anger pillow" to hit. :p
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I'm not one to be a snitch........but it looks like the students have gone awry in the SD forum. JMC you better break out the special ruler:D

Onpoint, I wholeheartedly agree.

I still have my first "ruler". I started my career in 1981 and a shop teacher made me a one out of hickory. It is a fire starter and has "measured" many pairs of blue jeans. Might have to pull it off the wall and dust it off and head north...
I still have my first "ruler". I started my career in 1981 and a shop teacher made me a one out of hickory. It is a fire starter and has "measured" many pairs of blue jeans. Might have to pull it off the wall and dust it off and head north...

Keep up the good work. Thanks for all that you do.:10sign:
Bless me father for I have sinned:D

@ Carptom-- :laugh: :cheers:

@ Mods-- That K-State thread has pretty much gone south in a hurry. There are a few threads that have gotten negative to the point that I wish they would just go away... It seems like many of the threads reach a point where all the constructive comments have been said, and then people start making it personal. Just an observation. Thanks for reminding folks to keep it civil.:10sign: