Do You Open Carry?


Well-known member
Wondering how many of us open carry. I live in an open carry state. Never open carried here but did in Nevada. Whenever I travel I take my partner, Mr. Colt, as well as my hunting arms.
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Iowa doesn't specify open or concealed carry. I carry concealed. I figure no one else really needs to know.
Iowa doesn't specify open or concealed carry. I carry concealed. I figure no one else really needs to know.

Great point. open or concealed, in my state, both are legal, in my state.

Open carry is fine, it will shut down bad guy, up front. Concealed will stop the crooks, and other pc of Crap that inhabit this country. The crocks are cowards, Put a gun in there face and let's see what happens.
You people don't know how good you have it down there. Up here it's a dead issue, never will be allowed. The B.S. we have to through to just own a handgun is why I don't own them. Be very strategic and protect that right because once it's gone it will never come back. It's not that there are very many scenarios where I would carry but there are definitely some where I would want to. For example right now I run my dog in local county forests and they are full of coyotes and tree huggers out hiking. I would love to be able to CC to be able to tumble a yote who got too close to my dog. The tree huggers would never know. Summer time fishing trips in the interior I would always carry something to stop bears which have become so used to humans they are also a very real danger up here. Very jealous....
Conceal when out and about, on my hip around the farm. My 500 Smith has been everywhere with me. The holster shows it too.
Wondering how many of us open carry. I live in an open carry state. Never open carried here but did in Nevada.

If you open carry, even in Kansas, it will cause great excitement among the police! I have handguns, I do not open carry or concealed carry. I think it's safer for everybody. I do not inhabit locales with drug addicts, pushers, gang initation territory, I am wary, alert, think a bout the next step, don't drive thru the inner city in a Escalade, don't unfurl my wallet with 100's in it at a gas station with bullet proof glass surrounding the attendent, don't go to bars where "somebody done somebody wrong" is the theme song. If you carry, you are anxious for trouble, it gives you false security to assume you can take care of it yourself. You revolver or a glock are not going over power a truck load of goons with AK-47's, or dissuade a tank seeking to over power our free lifestyle. Best bet is brain power and wit, to survive these things. That is what we are talking about here, right? If I kill someone, I think it would be a tradgey, but not as much getting myself or family hurt, which might end up if the shooting starts. As I say, these goons have a gun, they have made a decision to use it. You have to make the same decision. How many human beings did you kill lately? It's not the same as game birds, or when you were in the army 20 years ago, trust me. The gang-bangers made that choice, last night. I worked in banks, got robbed 5 times, Two I didn't even no it happened till afterward. Once I saw a sheriff patrol officer outside my window with a flack jacket and a riot gun. Thank heaven, he let the robbers go out the exit without subjecting the staff to a hostage situation or worse. Other time we loaded them up with the cash and hustled them out the door, before we had police support. Everybody can laugh about it at the Christmas Party, we are here to enjoy, rather than the head shrinker we need to see to absolve us, and wipe memory of the horror show we witnessed. It's a decision we have to make in a split second, could be right, could be deadly wrong. Consequences on both sides. Do you want that job. If you are political hostages, like the Olympics, shoot now, and God speed. Threat level is certain either way. In a bank robbery or gas station hold up, 99% of risk is trying to stop someone. heck it's money,we'll find them anyway, their not bright, but they might have good aim.
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If you open carry, even in Kansas, it will cause great excitement among the police! I have handguns, I do not open carry or concealed carry. I think it's safer for everybody. I do not inhabit locales with drug addicts, pushers, gang initation territory, I am wary, alert, think a bout the next step, don't drive thru the inner city in a Escalade, don't unfurl my wallet with 100's in it at a gas station with bullet proof glass surrounding the attendent, don't go to bars where "somebody done somebody wrong" is the theme song. If you carry, you are anxious for trouble, it gives you false security to assume you can take care of it yourself. You revolver or a glock are not going over power a truck load of goons with AK-47's, or dissuade a tank seeking to over power our free lifestyle. Best bet is brain power and wit, to survive these things. That is what we are talking about here, right? If I kill someone, I think it would be a tradgey, but not as much getting myself or family hurt, which might end up if the shooting starts. As I say, these goons have a gun, they have made a decision to use it. You have to make the same decision. How many human beings did you kill lately? It's not the same as game birds, or when you were in the army 20 years ago, trust me. The gang-bangers made that choice, last night. I worked in banks, got robbed 5 times, Two I didn't even no it happened till afterward. Once I saw a sheriff patrol officer outside my window with a flack jacket and a riot gun. Thank heaven, he let the robbers go out the exit without subjecting the staff to a hostage situation or worse. Other time we loaded them up with the cash and hustled them out the door, before we had police support. Everybody can laugh about it at the Christmas Party, we are here to enjoy, rather than the head shrinker we need to see to absolve us, and wipe memory of the horror show we witnessed. It's a decision we have to make in a split second, could be right, could be deadly wrong. Consequences on both sides. Do you want that job. If you are political hostages, like the Olympics, shoot now, and God speed. Threat level is certain either way. In a bank robbery or gas station hold up, 99% of risk is trying to stop someone. heck it's money,we'll find them anyway, their not bright, but they might have good aim.

I bet you could tell somebody that has used a handgun to defend themselves that same story and they'd disagree with you. You don't need it until you need it.
Conceal when out and about, on my hip around the farm. My 500 Smith has been everywhere with me. The holster shows it too.

That's a big 'un.
xdm's are nice.
Mine is a .45
Great point. open or concealed, in my state, both are legal, in my state.

Open carry is fine, it will shut down bad guy, up front. Concealed will stop the crooks, and other pc of Crap that inhabit this country. The crocks are cowards, Put a gun in there face and let's see what happens.

The main reason I carry concealed, other than that it's no one's business but mine, is so I don't draw attention to myself. I liked the way the LEO's who taught my class put it: "If you're carrying, and say you're in a convenience store that someone decides to rob, guess who their first target is going to be. Yep, the guy with and unconcealed gun on his hip. Carry concealed, no one needs to know."
South Dakota---I never carry open and only occasionally concealed tho I did once because of a threat. I have a permit and have had since they first came out in SD. The biggest reason I got one originally is a catch 22(no pun intended). If your pistol is not in the trunk or totally visable in the car, it is concealed. If it is totally visable, it is stolen. Gave up pick-up gunrack for the same reason, tho I can remember the day when that was not a problem.

I have no intention of coming to the rescue, but if someone had alredy fired or caused serious harm and I was not terribly overgunned, I would like to have the legal opportunity to exercise judgment. Self protection is #1.

I find the arguments against arming teachers to be mostly lame. No one is forcing any teacher to carry, and if they wish to carry I am sure they are not many of the Rambo type that will be offing the local tough kid because he drew his pencil. It's about Freedom and should the teacher wish, and deemed to be proficient, each school district should be free to make it's decisions also. All at their own comfort level.

It is interesting to note that all mass shooters since Columbine have had liberal leaning parents, lived in liberal political areas and were registered Democrats. This is a cultural problem, not a gun issue.
It is interesting to note that all mass shooters since Columbine have had liberal leaning parents, lived in liberal political areas and were registered Democrats.

Really? News to me. The Columbine shooters lived in Jefferson County which is a Republican bastion in the Greater Denver metro area, but I don't know what their parents' political affliliation was, if any. The mother of the Newtown shooter was a gun enthusiast, and the shooter killed her and the kids with her guns. I guess that is a cultural issue.
Columbine shooters parents were Dems. The shooters were in the garage of one of the parents building bombs. The cultural issue I am speaking of is lack of parents and parental control, and ''anything goes" morality.
Columbine shooters parents were Dems. The shooters were in the garage of one of the parents building bombs. The cultural issue I am speaking of is lack of parents and parental control, and ''anything goes" morality.

Uncle Buck, I'm not trying to single you out. So please don't take it as that. There are plenty on here who believe that everything that's wrong falls on a certain political party but their political party is gospel on everything.

Come on people, I can't believe people will resort to using political affiliation as a tool to lay blame in any shooting. Most of these shooters are young, some not even able to vote, and others not even old enough to really have established themselves in the political world. This is not aimed at any one person but it just stymies me the hate some spew in the political arena.

They talk about love of their country, pride for their flag, support for their troops and God. Then stand and blast their government left and right. We best learn to work together because united we stand divided we fall and divide and conquer are polar opposites....

Don't even let me get started on God..far too many only pic and choose what they want from the bible. then disregard the rest. It don't work that way.

Just a note

" 2010 elections, it was Democrats who controlled both chambers in 27 states versus the Republican party having total control in only 14 states, with eight states divided and Nebraska being nonpartisan."

Bad mouthing will only serve to strengthen peoples stance against the offenders views who is using such tactics or get further with sweet honey then with sour grapes.

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Uncle Buck, I'm not trying to single you out. So please don't take it as that. There are plenty on here who believe that everything that's wrong falls on a certain political party but their political party is gospel on everything.

Come on people, I can't believe people will resort to using political affiliation as a tool to lay blame in any shooting. Most of these shooters are young, some not even able to vote, and others not even old enough to really have established themselves in the political world. This is not aimed at any one person but it just stymies me the hate some spew in the political arena.

They talk about love of their country, pride for their flag, support for their troops and God. Then stand and blast their government left and right. We best learn to work together because united we stand divided we fall and divide and conquer are polar opposites....

Don't even let me get started on God..far too many only pic and choose what they want from the bible. then disregard the rest. It don't work that way.

Just a note

" 2010 elections, it was Democrats who controlled both chambers in 27 states versus the Republican party having total control in only 14 states, with eight states divided and Nebraska being nonpartisan."

Bad mouthing will only serve to strengthen peoples stance against the offenders views who is using such tactics or get further with sweet honey then with sour grapes.


C'mon onpoint, now you know the reason all this happens is because all the Dems want to do is kill babies and let the gay's marry right? If that wouldnt happen all these killings would stop.