Do not want too but...

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Sunday afternoon my almost 2 y.o. Large Munsterlander was attacked by a neighbors Akita. This happened on our back deck. These neighbors keep 2 of them on their place and they were involved in another incident where they attacked another neighbors dogs and bit the neighbor on the arm when he intervened. I called the sherriff on Sunday and they will be getting a citation from the county, however I explained to him this wasnt the first time these 2 dogs have come over to our property and behaved aggresively, I am within my rights to kill these dogs when they are on my place, just curious if anyone else has ever had to shoot dogs before, as a dog man I really do not look forward to having to do so, but I will not allow dogs like this to terrorize my dogs, or possibly worse, my wife or other relatives visiting. I was really hot sunday when it happened and was ready to KILL if they wouldnt have made it back home. My LM pup will be fine, he is on antibiotics now and beginning to act like his old self. The crazy part is, the akita that attacked him is almost the exact same age and used to sneak through are kennel fence to play with eachother when he was young, was a nice dog. I have heard dogs learn aggressive behavior from their owners, but I am not familiar with this breed.
It's a Akita..people that buy these dogs, buy them for one reason. they think a bad ass dog makes them some how tough or they deal in illegal substances.

Pit bulls, Rot's, Akita's and a few others are simply untrustworthy breeds. Attack my dog on my place, game over. Bang!

Be sure what your state or county has for laws on shooting dogs and cats. Don't want you to get in a financial or legal battle over it. a course if they just disappear...they could have just run off..if you know what I'm saying. :D
A judge can order them to be put down among other things the deputy said, but there are no current laws in our county regarding vicious dogs he said. They are working on putting some on the books. This is rural Montana, we are pretty much used to protecting ourselves and our properties. You would think the neighbors would have enough common sense to put them down , but I guess common sense is in short supply now days
Whoaaa hold on a minute onpoint! First thing pitbulls ( I own one ) are not mean, you know why there mean and why they have a bad rap? Because of dumbass gangsters and dumbass people that arent responsible enough to raise them right, and treat them just as you would treat any other dog. Maybe you should watch pitbulls and parolees. Might teach you a thing. Me owning 3 dogs is a responsibility, i have a weiner dog, brittany, and the female pit. My pitbull is the mother like figure to the other 2 dogs, and my cat. Not once acted aggressive towards them, or anything. If any thing she is a protector of them. She can point, and retrieve just like my bird dog can, so she is no different than anyother dog. Im sorry man it just drives me nuts when people put pitbulls, rots, german sheppards in that group of untrust worthy dogs.
Sorry 12gaugedust, but pitbulls have earned their reputation. Try telling they're nice animals to a friend of mine whose 5 year old son was attacked and killed in his back yard. We have neighbors whose son has one. He's not some gang banger or person who would seem to treat a dog badly, causing them to be mean. It went after me once when he was visiting and if not the intervention of another dog it would have bit me. I got a scratch, but was pissed. An animal like that should not be loose.

Reading up on Akita's they are a protective dog, dominant and not tolerant of other dogs of the same gender. Not a dog to be taken to places like dog parks. Not a dog for a first time dog owner. Sounds like a breed that needs to be out in the country away from a lot of people and trained by a seasoned handler to stay at home.

I've got other neighbors with a troubled house. The cops used to visit a lot when he was beating his wife and kids. He's been gone now for a few years, but his boys are in trouble constantly and have a doberman and rottweiller. I don't trust either having been raised in that house. So in some situations I agree with you, being raised in a bad situation. But I also think some breeds, like the pit bull, have too strong a tendency to be bad and I don't like them one bit.

As to the original post, if I lived in the country where I could shoot without getting in trouble for discharging a weapon, and that dog attacked mine, I knew it had a history, I would warn the owners in no uncertain terms and not hesitate to take it out the next time it came into my yard.
Ranger rick bet you didnt know either that pitbulls were a nanny dog back in the day. They baby sat the kid, i can give you my word that my pitbull wont hurt a sole. If you treat them right, give them a good home like i did mine, then you wont have any problems, but you dont know how your neighbor treats them, your just guessing. My dog was about to be put asleep, bcs people didnt care about her. So i gave my girl diamond a home. She just got hit bye a car last month and lost an eye. Same dog, didnt affect her none. Im sorry to hear about your friends son its too bad, but that doesnt affect my view on pitbulls. The way i see it any dog can act in an aggressive behavior. My brittany gets aggressive and i have to put his ass in line. But do i consider him dangerous NO! Hes just an asshole. I guess i have different views, im just a good old redneck and see the world in a different view.
Check out my picture- if i didnt trust her around my bird dog, then i would get rid of her. Specially if she is endangering my other dogs.... And as far as people go, i feel some people need to be attacked if there causing a threat, or about to endanger my families life, and thats were my shotgun and me come in. Like the old saying goes, never mind the dog, beware of owner!!!!
I have my 243 sitting by the deck door just waiting for retribution....thinking I will gut shoot 'em so they can crawl home and not die on my place.
Hey montana i dont blame you one bit, i c were ur coming from with them coming over in your yard and biting your dog. I just didnt agree with the pitbull statement. It was nothing against you.
Ranger rick bet you didnt know either that pitbulls were a nanny dog back in the day. They baby sat the kid, i can give you my word that my pitbull wont hurt a sole. If you treat them right, give them a good home like i did mine, then you wont have any problems, but you dont know how your neighbor treats them, your just guessing. My dog was about to be put asleep, bcs people didnt care about her. So i gave my girl diamond a home. She just got hit bye a car last month and lost an eye. Same dog, didnt affect her none. Im sorry to hear about your friends son its too bad, but that doesnt affect my view on pitbulls. The way i see it any dog can act in an aggressive behavior. My brittany gets aggressive and i have to put his ass in line. But do i consider him dangerous NO! Hes just an asshole. I guess i have different views, im just a good old redneck and see the world in a different view.
Check out my picture- if i didnt trust her around my bird dog, then i would get rid of her. Specially if she is endangering my other dogs.... And as far as people go, i feel some people need to be attacked if there causing a threat, or about to endanger my families life, and thats were my shotgun and me come in. Like the old saying goes, never mind the dog, beware of owner!!!!

I know all about nice Pit bull's, my friend had two. Now only has one. Nice as pie..until one night we were sitting around and I looked at him and I was goofing around and wined like a dog to him. He flipped, jumped over my wife and went for my face and throat. I knocked him down and he came right back after me.

One day well we were moving cattle across the road back home. They seen us(both of them), went though the screen on the house and took after a 700lb heifer. Got it by the throat and both locked on and wouldn't let go. My bud tried everything, finally got a 4ft hunk of 2x4 and beat them off the cow. They would have killed her IMO.

What you have is a ticking time bomb that could go off anytime without notice. Seen in several times. Nice for 2-3-4 years and all of a son. One little thing, and bang the dog goes psycho...Another guy I know. Never had a issue with his, nice as pie. one day they were hanging a fresh deer in the garage. It was dripping blood. The dog smelled that blood, the next thing the dog locked on to the deer and wouldn't let go. From that day on the dog was whacked out. He had to put it down about 6 months later. They are not wired right.
Sorry 12gaugedust, but pitbulls have earned their reputation.

I agree with this statement. I have a 3-year-old daughter, and I'm sorry, but there's no pit bull in the world that I'll allow her to get anywhere near. The reason for that is there have been two instances within the last decade within a 50-mile radius of where I live in which pit bulls that were models of canine citizenry for a decade or more nutted up and attacked small children without the slightest provocation. One child died and the other is badly disfigured for life.

Pits may have served as "nanny dogs" at some point, but like many breeds, they were created for a purpose. Theirs was to fight in a pit, and extreme aggressiveness was a highly desirable trait that was bred for. No matter how many generations an individual dog is removed from that hideous activity, those genes are a part of their ancestry and could come to the fore anytime, anywhere.

I don't begrudge anyone's right to own them for protection, as long as they're kept under complete control. I'd shoot first and ask questions later if there were one acting aggressively on my property, and that goes for the other "attack" breeds that I wouldn't have confidence in stopping with less-lethal means. My mentality would be that any living being in or around my home is in serious jeopardy, and I would be reacting appropriately (in my own mind, anyway) to a perceived threat of that level.
I understand about the kid thing, most of the problems with pitbulls are the blue pits. They are very aggressive, me i have a razors edge, there more of a family bred pit. There traits are made to be a family dog. And trust me i understand about them attacking, and acting out, but they shouldnt be put in a catagory. Because german shepards, and hell a saint bernard can do the same kind of damage with out provoking it. And you say blood sets them off, naw i dont believe that either, because ive skinned a deer with her in back of my truck and she is the same dog. Like i said before, she loves my shotgun, she goes out and points, and retrieves birds. At one point she was a better bird dog than my brittany. Now she only has one eye so i dont take her out like that any more. I still dont agree with some of the statements but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But on the other hand i stand behind my dog to protect when im not home, and i would hate to be on the end with the teeth. Worlds strongest bite out of the dog kingdom. And pitbulls dont get lock jaw thats a myth. Just putting that out there.
A former neighbor's Akita attacked our Poodle; Tuffy survived. The power-lifter's dog didn't make the former neighbor tough enough. He assaulted me when I called him on it, got the shit kicked out of him, police were called, gave him a citation, said nothing to me other than "if you see it out again, shoot it", & "strongly-suggested that he pay the vet bills (he did; go figure, lol.). He moved. When I told the vet what happened, she replied: "Oh, an Akita; a Japanese Pitbull." Own whatever breed you want; I'll stick with gentler breeds with good dispositions and appropriate-training.
I understand about the kid thing, most of the problems with pitbulls are the blue pits. They are very aggressive, me i have a razors edge, there more of a family bred pit. There traits are made to be a family dog. And trust me i understand about them attacking, and acting out, but they shouldnt be put in a catagory. Because german shepards, and hell a saint bernard can do the same kind of damage with out provoking it. And you say blood sets them off, naw i dont believe that either, because ive skinned a deer with her in back of my truck and she is the same dog. Like i said before, she loves my shotgun, she goes out and points, and retrieves birds. At one point she was a better bird dog than my brittany. Now she only has one eye so i dont take her out like that any more. I still dont agree with some of the statements but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But on the other hand i stand behind my dog to protect when im not home, and i would hate to be on the end with the teeth. Worlds strongest bite out of the dog kingdom. And pitbulls dont get lock jaw thats a myth. Just putting that out there.

Don't even try to argue with them 12ga just feel bad for them because they'll never know how good APBT really are. I was partially raised by one and either me or my family have had many over the last 30yrs, non of them ever shown any aggression. The last one I had was half English mastiff, 110lbs at a year old and the smartest dog I've ever seen. Dog wouldn't hurt a fly but he sure made mom feel safe when she was home alone.:cheers:
I'm talking about real APBTs though not these mutts they call pits now.
Don't want to add more fuel to the fire, but we have a pit that has been running the neighborhood. I have heard reports from folks down the road that the dog has chased them into their cars, or into the house. But knowing about pitbulls reputation, I wonder if it really chased them, or if they just saw a pitbull and ran to their car or house. Supposedly it has "chased" a jogger, but I'm pretty sure if it meant to attack it would have.

I know the owner, and I know the dog was properly socialized and obedience trained. But I also know what the dog is physically capable of, like running down a wild turkey, killing, and eating it, and dragging home large chunks of deer (presumably roadkill). And I have run it off our place multiple times when it shows up and tries to get into the chicken pen.

In my heart, I don't think it is a psycho killer or anything like that, but I do have fears for the safety of my kids. It is agile, strong, and big enough to chase down and kill a wild turkey... I treat it like any other nuissance dog from the past, just holler at it and it runs off... But it is a little scary knowing in the back of my mind that, unlike the other dogs, it has the physical capability to kill somebody.

Just some random thoughts there...

FWIW, I do live in the country and if any dog ever came up into my yard and was aggressive towards me like growling or chasing people, nobody would have to worry about it anymore. Not trying to be a tough guy or anything either. Just saying...
Quail hound i hear ya, there not mean at all, like i said its all about how you raise them. And toad the dog is most likely just wanting attention, my dog does that she run at people but she wont jump or anything. There just big bulky dogs. Mine is short and lean. People just really havnt gave them a chance at all. I believe in them.
Quail hound i hear ya, there not mean at all, like i said its all about how you raise them. And toad the dog is most likely just wanting attention, my dog does that she run at people but she wont jump or anything. There just big bulky dogs. Mine is short and lean. People just really havnt gave them a chance at all. I believe in them.

Socialization is a key with any breed. You could socialize a Grizzly Bear, doesn't mean he could be trusted to "Never" attack someone. Most aggressive breeds were bread for their attributes to the job they would be expected to perform. 12gaugdust, you even admitted yourself, what your Pit would do if someone broke in or possibly threatened family members. That right there says the dog can be aggressive and you wouldn't want to be on the teeth end of the animal.

A person can't just magically remove the years of the gene pool in one or two generations. I know many, if not every Pit Bull owner I have ever known. That said all the same things you have. Then one day...the breed reared it's ugly head. I will say this, most insurance company's, if they found out you have a Pit Bull. They will cancel your policy. They will on any aggressive breed but Pits lead the pack. In this sue happy world we live in today. Owning a animal with such a reputation is of a great liability. Akita, Rots, Pits, Doberman and a few others. make the list. You can't just wipe away what these breeds can do.

Question, why do you own one? Do you admit to having one for the intimidation factor to strangers?
Onpoint i own one because i saved her life from a bad situation... Now would i ever change that NO!! Because she is part of the family. She is the best trained dog i have. Shes is as gentle as a bernese mountain dog. But she wouldnt act aggressive towards someone that just comes over and knocks at the door! Onpoint i was saying if i wasnt there or if we were in bed and someone tried to break in, i expect her to protect, that goes with my hunting dog too. I expect him to react in a situation if it came down to it. The power of a dog doesnt really matter to me, trust me i have a weiner dog. The pit might only have one eye, but to me she doesnt look mean, or intimadating. She just reminds me of a good, loved, behaved dog, that deserved a second chance. And that goes back to the people that had her before, i dont think she was mistreated in like abused but was let out to roam the streets and she almost got hit by 4 semis. Then they decided they didnt want her so i saved her. If i wanted power, i would of got a great dane, saint bernard, mastiff.
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