Dick Cheney, the Shootist


Well-known member
Disclaimer: This has NOTHING to do with politics.

Everything ends up on the internet and several years ago, sure enough, the investigation report concerning Cheney's shooting of his hunting companion was posted on line. The press described the victim as a powerful and politically connected Texas lawyer. The incident happened in the country so the sheriff investigated. The assigned deputy/detective first went to interview Cheney. One question asked was whether there was any alcohol involved. Cheney admitted he'd had a beer at lunch before it happened. Interestingly, he was asked no follow-up questions about his meds and whether they carried warnings about avoiding ETOH. Next the deputy went to the hospital to inteview the victim. When the detective walked into the room, before he even asked a question, this big-all lawyer says, "There was no alcohol involved!" I LMAO when I read that. ;)
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I think Cheney should of retained him after shooting him!!!! Then they would of both been on the same page!!:D:D:cheers: