Coyote Went on Point


Well-known member
My backyard abuts a tallgrass nature preserve that has a pack of coyotes living in it. This morning one was hunting near my backyard. It essentially went on point and then pounced into some grass and a rabbit ran out. Surprised to see a coyote point.
My backyard abuts a tallgrass nature preserve that has a pack of coyotes living in it. This morning one was hunting near my backyard. It essentially went on point and then pounced into some grass and a rabbit ran out. Surprised to see a coyote point.

Need to watch reruns of Marty Stauffer, "Wild America", or the old "Wild Kingdom". Stalk and pounce like a house cat.
the arrested stalk we know as a point
its easy to see in the lions in africa(video), the house cat stalking a black bird, or your prized bird dog
when anthroplolgists/ sociologists want to study human behavior,body language, they dont always study chimps, they study wolf packs or coyote packs
I would guess all predators do it to some extent, even reptiles, fish, amphibians, even birds of prey...

They might not have a leg cocked and a 12:00 tail, but they sure do freeze, and then lunge after their prey when it seems most vulnerable. Even a hawk hunting mice will hover perfectly still in midair, and then dive bomb when the moment is right.:thumbsup:

That's really neat you got to watch a coyote hunting. Marty Stauffer reruns are educational, but nothing beats the live show happening right in front of your eyes!:cheers:
My backyard abuts a tallgrass nature preserve that has a pack of coyotes living in it. This morning one was hunting near my backyard. It essentially went on point and then pounced into some grass and a rabbit ran out. Surprised to see a coyote point.

Did he pounce that quick that you didn't have time to get a set of crosshairs on his ear? ;)
In the city limits where discharge of firearms is not allowed. :(