Cooking Chukar?


Active member
Hey guys,
Good buddy of mine went to a game farm last weekend and shot some chukar. He was nice enough to give them to me and I've never tasted/fixed chukar before. Looking for some recipes/ideas. Thanks in advance.
Chucker meat is very delicate and quite tasty - a bit milder than a pheasant.

I cut the meat from the breast bone, quarter and brown in oil, s&p. You can use any cream of...soup - mushroom. celery, sour cream.\; don't over cook the meat as it will get tough.

I've used chutney with pheasant and chuckers - very tasty with an orange flavor.

Any recipe you use with chicken will work with Chukers.

crock pot. or soak in buttermilk overnite. bread,cook slowly on a pan.mashed potatoes or brown rice,with bernaise sauce. meal for a king and queen. the buttermilk tenderises the meat and takes some of the game taste out. mmmmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmmm good!
Brine the birds and than grill them.

Just finished off a pot of chuckers and dumplings...Now that was some mighty fine good eating :thumbsup: