Colder then a french kiss from the mother inlaw


Active member
-20 here...30 miles north my friend has -34

How cold do you have?
warmed up -5 here wind chill -22 i went to north dakota ice fishing for the weekend. oldest boy went to trinadad for a 3 week class. i think he got the better end of the deal
-27 out there, 89 hours of below zero temps and counting. :eek:
-6 here this morning but still not a lick of snow on the ground.
The very thought of this thread title makes me puke a little.
You guys call that cold?:D It was 28 degrees (brrr) this morning, I had to defrost my window.:mad: Its barely supposed to be 65 today!:eek:
-6 here this morning but still not a lick of snow on the ground.
The very thought of this thread title makes me puke a little.

If you knew my mother inlaw..she was a nice looking lady for her age when I met my wife. She is the meanest women you have ever met. She gives ya frost bite just walking in the room. Even my wife doesn't have good things to say about her and she's her daughter. A cold hearted individual. That's why I used what I did. Just wait until she finds out I'm a ordained minster...
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quail hound?

as much as I like you,

you CAN be hunted down.:mad:

:cheers::D Sorry Kis but just remember come July or August when I'm complaining its been 110 for a week you can rub in how its only 85 over there.:thumbsup:
It got up to -2 today.:) warming up.
I look at the Tribe and sez this is weather, not climate. I reckon.:cheers:
Got up to -3 today:) Probably not breaking records for hours of continuous -0 temps. No let up in site.:eek:
High was 4 above about 8:00AM this morning. It's -1 now and headed for -26. Wind is howling, cuts the hide right off ya.
Good thing about the cold weather. When it warms to +10 it's like a heat wave.:confused::eek:

Not yet by the way it's still -17.
It was -42 below zero in Embarass Mn this morning. I had -20.
So when it is sunny and 0 outside it will be time to break out the Bermuda shorts????? At least the cold doesn't make your face wrinkle up, just other parts!!!!! Have some fun and get the Hot Tub Outdoors !!!!:10sign::cheers:
Good thing about the cold weather. When it warms to +10 it's like a heat wave.:confused::eek:

Not yet by the way it's still -17.

lol...yep. Had the pleasure of a heat wave yesterday. Didn't even need a jacket:D Man it was nice:cheers: