Can hunting lease be a tax deduction?

Here is one for one of you accountants out there. Is thier anyway you can deduct a hunting lease from your taxes? I understand that if you own a business related to hunting industry it is possible, but what if any ways are thier for just a regular guy. I thought about putting cattle on shares with the rancher for hunting rights, but I have never did that before. If anyone has any thoughts about how to work it, I would appreciate it, If you don't agree with leasing , I dont want to hear about it here.....
Here is one for one of you accountants out there. Is thier anyway you can deduct a hunting lease from your taxes? I understand that if you own a business related to hunting industry it is possible, but what if any ways are thier for just a regular guy. I thought about putting cattle on shares with the rancher for hunting rights, but I have never did that before. If anyone has any thoughts about how to work it, I would appreciate it, If you don't agree with leasing , I dont want to hear about it here.....

Doesn't sound like a lease to me, sounds more like a trade.:cheers:
Husker, Of course You can do it. However, if You were to get audited, :eek:
You are going to need to be able to show You are actually into a legitimate ag operation. Or a business showing legitimate business expenses.
Ummmm, good luck with it.:cheers:

NO I'm not an accountant, but a business man, I went through a audit, hard to come out on that one :cheers:
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I know it can be done, Ive did it before, what I am trying to figure out is a legitimate way to deduct it from taxes. Serious replies requested!
Husker, Go ahead and get Your guides license, lease some property, take on clients, take em hunting. Put some money into it, make some money, deduct Your expenses, show a profit. Your legit.

Serious replies,:)

NO, funny, You can't lease land to hunt and tax deduct.
Husker, Of course You can do it. However, if You were to get audited, :eek:
You are going to need to be able to show You are actually into a legitimate ag operation. Or a business showing legitimate business expenses.
Ummmm, good luck with it.:cheers:

NO I'm not an accountant, but a business man, I went through a audit, hard to come out on that one :cheers:

If you can prove that it ( the lease) is a business expense you can. If your a guide and have Paying Client. It would be a business expense.

You get audited, and don't have proper documentation, all bets are off.
you don't have to deal with out of sate hunters all you need to do is take 1 person out there from time to time thats not family and charge them a small fee for taking them problem solved take off taxes and make a little dough
Then I would have to deal with out-of-staters like you....not my idea of a good time.

I guess you need a spirit guide, despite your attitude. if I were you I would make a product which can be used in hunting, and needs to be "tested", it could be dog collars, leashes, whatever. The lease is field testing, and a basic ingredient to make the product functional. Or do what I do, become a kennel, to campaign bird dogs, sell pups, provide training. You will "need" to make a profit selling dogs, prize money, dog training, at least 1 of every three years, or the government will disavow this as a "business", and disallow your deduction. I will warn you of making any real profit in the kennel business. I had several good friends who were bankers, who leased access from me, paid by the bank along with the golf club, etc. who deducted their dues from their returns. We took an inportant patron once in a while, as a guest, there were lots of stories, very little bother, we hunted as we pleased with who we liked, most of the time. Or get a better job, pay for the lease with taxable income.
Actually I've been leasing land for a long time to run cattle. Five year leases, I have to maintain the fences, electricity and water supplies.
This is fairly common for cattlemen in cattle country.
The lease is written so I can use the land for anything cattle raising related, including crops. I can't however alter the land in anyway. No drainage, filling or tree harvest. Farm Service payments are mine, but I don't bother with it.

Of course, ALL expenses related to the cattle operation are tax deductible.

One of the perks is hunting rights. You need to post the land to keep hunters from running around and shooting around or near the cattle.

I would always let trustworthy hunters on for FREE.

So Husker, You want to lease land for running cattle?

You will need to add something in the lease so You can control the trespassing.
Just being ag land and private property is probably enough. landowners in many cases will want to control the hunting.

That's how You can legitimately lease some land and get hunting rights and tax deduct the expenses. But only on the cattle related expenses.

If You don't like the Yotes around Your livestock. Bet You could deduct a new rifle and ammo.:cheers:
Spirit Guide??? You folks back east smoke to much wacky's my attitude now? As far as telling me to get a better job, if you only knew what and who you were talking about, but, that doesn't stop you....
I guess you need a spirit guide, despite your attitude. if I were you I would make a product which can be used in hunting, and needs to be "tested", it could be dog collars, leashes, whatever. The lease is field testing, and a basic ingredient to make the product functional. Or do what I do, become a kennel, to campaign bird dogs, sell pups, provide training. You will "need" to make a profit selling dogs, prize money, dog training, at least 1 of every three years, or the government will disavow this as a "business", and disallow your deduction. I will warn you of making any real profit in the kennel business. I had several good friends who were bankers, who leased access from me, paid by the bank along with the golf club, etc. who deducted their dues from their returns. We took an inportant patron once in a while, as a guest, there were lots of stories, very little bother, we hunted as we pleased with who we liked, most of the time. Or get a better job, pay for the lease with taxable income.
Spirit Guide??? You folks back east smoke to much wacky's my attitude now? As far as telling me to get a better job, if you only knew what and who you were talking about, but, that doesn't stop you....

If you know it all, what do you need us for? Talk to a paid tax consultant or a therapist.
Then I would have to deal with out-of-staters like you....not my idea of a good time.

Husker, I can promise You for sure.
You and I will NEVER hunt together.:cheers:
Please do send an IRS agent to my door, I would like to ask them where the hell all my tax dollars go.
As for MNMhunter, I already knew that....I have standards. By the way, you should take your post off of another site on the web offering to trade an upland bird hunt here in Montana for other hunts, you are far from a guide or outfitter here in Montana and it is highly illegal here to offer what you are on the website I came to this site hoping their might be some guys here in Montana to touch base with and make some connections, and their are a few, but not many. Good day boys.
Please do send an IRS agent to my door, I would like to ask them where the hell all my tax dollars go.
As for MNMhunter, I already knew that....I have standards. By the way, you should take your post off of another site on the web offering to trade an upland bird hunt here in Montana for other hunts, you are far from a guide or outfitter here in Montana and it is highly illegal here to offer what you are on the website I came to this site hoping their might be some guys here in Montana to touch base with and make some connections, and their are a few, but not many. Good day boys.

Huntingbeast! :10sign::cheers: Never heard of it. You Really are out to lunch!:cheers:
So Montana Husker, It's off season.:thumbsup:

Common!! share the link with us, PLEASE........ :):)

We do need some entertainment. :cheers:
Does he mean

I stand corrected there is a sight under Hunting beast. com. Who knew???????
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Shadow was downright pleasant compared to Husker.

I liked Shadow, I don't like censorship nearly as much! He had quirks, but heck so don't we all! I was the brunt a couple of times. We learn to get around and get along, they call that reality. Besides I liked his pictures! Salute, Shadow where every you are!
I liked Shadow, I don't like censorship nearly as much! He had quirks, but heck so don't we all! I was the brunt a couple of times. We learn to get around and get along, they call that reality. Besides I liked his pictures! Salute, Shadow where every you are!

He is still posting on uplandjournal.
Here is one for one of you accountants out there. Is thier anyway you can deduct a hunting lease from your taxes? I understand that if you own a business related to hunting industry it is possible, but what if any ways are thier for just a regular guy. I thought about putting cattle on shares with the rancher for hunting rights, but I have never did that before. If anyone has any thoughts about how to work it, I would appreciate it, If you don't agree with leasing , I dont want to hear about it here.....

You really need to talk to a CPA or tax lawyer. As a lawyer who knows a little about tax law, I can think of a couple possibilities for legally deducting some or all of a hunting lease, but no CPA or lawyer can give you tax counseling over the internet in a public forum without knowing your particulars and without violating all sorts of ethical rules. You'd probably need to have a CPA preparing your tax returns to pull off this deduction anyway. Best of luck.