bucket list


New member
hard topic to talk about. any one ever have to help a friend with his bucket list? losing a very close friend:(. we are going to go on a manitoba deer and timber wolf hunt this fall. we both have always talked about how thrilling it would be to call in a wolf predator hunting. so we are going to do it this fall. hope it works out. would be cool to just hear or see one respond to the calls. if chemo buys him enough time he wants to take me alligator hunting what could possibly go wrong with that.
BC, tough experience. Good luck with everything. This friends sounds like a heck of a guy. I hope he gets enough time to get that gator.
Hey BC, that has to be a tough situation and your helping him through the process speaks well of your character. Has he been canoeing/fishing in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Northern Minnesota? I'd vote for that.
Best luck helping your friend through his transition time.
BC - That is a tough one for sure. Have never been in that situation. I commend you for doing this for your friend. I know it has to be hard but "enjoy" this with your friend best you both can as you will always cherish these memories.

Matt D
I'm not feeling good BC better give me my MOO cow back or at least blow it up and take me on a cool hunt:D

Great thing you're doing BC:thumbsup: The big guy above is smiling :thumbsup::10sign:
Still recovering from losing one of my best hunting buddies this March. He came down last November to tell me he was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma and was given 2 years. I sent him home with a "bucket" pup, my wife's favorite male out of a son of Grouse Ridge Reroy. He lasted 5 months instead of 2 years. The last couple of months weren't very enjoyable for him. I picked the pup up the day he died. I'd visited two weeks before, he was in the hospital, pretty drugged up and they gave him 5 days or less. I came back two weeks later and he was out of the hospital and home. We had an enjoyable talk for a couple of hours before he got tired and I headed 3 hours home. I'd been home about an hour when they called. He'd passed. Enjoy what you can and don't wait for anything. Their forecasts are far from science.
BC, in place of the sermon at church this Sunday a hunsband and wife gave thier testimony. Same couple gave their testimony at our Men's retreat in January. It was one of most moving sermons I have ever heard and no less since it was second time. The wife has breast cancer and about a year to live. She said her life and faith have been the best since being diagnosed and she is using her situation to bless others.

You will be blessed for being a friend.
God Bless BC! I too hope your friend has enough time to experience those things he's always dreampt of. You're apprently a good man and a good friend.
thanks for your support guys. it really helps. he started chemo again last week. we had a long talk over the weekend. i have known for a while he had cancer, he finally told me how bad it is and his life expectancy. he is very upbeat considering whats going on. we spent hours talking about old hunts and blackcloud experiences. we also decided what hunt we want to go on this fall. we are lucky and our wives said do what ever we want when we want. thanks again guys. always enjoy life to the fullest and never put off fun with family or friends. we never know how many tommorows we have.
God Bless Both of you, and your families. Very tough to go through something like that. My wife went through chemotherapy when she was 19, we had been going out for 3 months, and according to everyone else, I was her lifeline through the whole thing. I didn't know any different and loved her, so I would have done anything for her. Your friend appreciates your support more than anything, so keep up the good work and you guys have a great hunt together.
hard topic to talk about. any one ever have to help a friend with his bucket list? losing a very close friend:(. we are going to go on a manitoba deer and timber wolf hunt this fall. we both have always talked about how thrilling it would be to call in a wolf predator hunting. so we are going to do it this fall. hope it works out. would be cool to just hear or see one respond to the calls. if chemo buys him enough time he wants to take me alligator hunting what could possibly go wrong with that.

update on my friend.all the doctors in des moines and mayo clinic thought the liver cancer was inoperable. he surprised them when they did his last liver scan. after the second round of chemo it had shrunk enough they felt that if they operated right away they could possibly get all the cancer by removing half his liver. he went ahead with surgury. they ran into some complications but it went well.:cheers: he now has a good chance of beating this. doc even said have fun in manitoba.:thumbsup:
That is great news. Hope the hunts you guys have planned turn out great and you add memories you BOTH will be talking about for many more years.

Matt D
Very good news, we will keep him in our prayers
Been watching this conversation -

My grandfather used to say -

When you are healthy, there are lots of things a man wants,
When you are sick, there is only one thing a man wants.

Hope you keep posting good reports.
only 2 days left till we start our great adventure.:cheers: buddy is doing fine at present time. has been thru 3 rounds of chemo and had half his liver removed. he has been truely blessed to still be here. he has been over joyed to see his first grandchild. thanks every one for your thoughts and prayers. i'm sure they helped.:thumbsup: now on a less serious note. the outfitter has a pack of 12 wolves located, my gun only holds 4 shells what could possibly go wrong!!!

have a great, safe, and funny time with your pal.

You are both lucky to have had each other.

Can't make new, old friends.

Laugh a lot, maybe sip a little, and I hope the trip is a joy for you guys.
