Andrew Luck


Well-known member
Man I wish the Chiefs could have had the 1st pick last year instead of this year. Is this kid going to be a star or what. He sure looks more seasoned than a rookie. He is tough too. Looks like Indy is set again for awhile. Man, Manning all those years, then right into a QB like this.
Your right chris, they kinda hosed him. Considering they were playing in a hostile stadium, against a veteran defense, on ray's last day as a raven I think Luck played with a lot of grit. I think he even earned some respect from them as they helped him up a few times after knocking him down. Considering 11-5 after worst in the league, and he has a pretty good start. I think he is going to be a good one. I would still take him over RG3. Guys like Griffin wear down in the NFL taking 15-20 hits a game week in and week out.