Search results

  1. C

    pup needs home

    I need to find a person who is willing to take in a young hunting pup. I'm in ohio and will not ship her. Emergency please help.
  2. C

    pup needs home

    Fellow Ohioan in need to match a pup with good hunting home.
  3. C

    needs new home

    I MUST find my 2yr+ Wiem/viszla Mix a home. I love this pup and she can only go to a hunting home. My wife is injured and I have started working split shifts. This pup has hunted one season, crates well and is very loving. I will not ship her. Must be in Northwest Ohio area. All shots up to...
  4. C

    retrieve and mark?

    My pup will retrieve fine but if another bird is shot she runs after the other bird without bringing the other in. She doesn't drop the one in her mouth. She takes it with her and can't figure out how to bring two back. She just stands over them till I come to her. I probably shouldn't come to...
  5. C

    gun intro

    My dog loves birds and when they are present she does not flinch when I shoot. When she hears shots in the distance she stops and then continues on. I went out for ohio opening day she did well but when people shot about 100yds away she stopped. I don't think she is gun shy. What could this be?
  6. C

    duck problems

    I just started duck hunting. The last time I went out I found that after a while my gun had moisture in it from the morning. I never dropped it in the water or anything like that I just think dew got in it. The first shot I took water slung out the side of my gun. The gun is a Browning maxus...
  7. C

    Ohio hunt in ohio

    I would love to be able to go to the well know states for pheasant. I have one problem.Not enough $$$$$. I have never hunted. I have trained my dog on preserves in Mich. I would not be using my dog by this being my first real hunting situation. I was looking around and talking to folks and I...
  8. C

    not so funny

    Training can be fun and frustrating. I get closer to understanding my dog LaLa day by day. LaLa is a vizsla/ Wiem mix. She looks like a solid liver short hair. She works close but I have never shot a 12ga over her just blanks. I had a dream in which I was hunting her and she stops in her tracks...
  9. C

    Hi from Ohio

    I' m in north west Ohio. Anybody close to me?