Search results

  1. 5 stand

    Thoughts and Opinions

    Munster out of curiosity what did you do with the 20 gauge you bought off West Kansas last year?
  2. 5 stand

    Thoughts and Opinions

    So far every weapon I've sold (Two) I have regretted it. I have gifted two, that I don't regret one bit. I also have several that I don't use, but I have them if I want to. Your dad has some good advice!
  3. 5 stand

    New upland shotgun?

    Pattern density establishes effective killing range. Shotgun patterns run out of density before the pellets run out of penetration (range). Number 5 lead pellet has 1.5 inch gel penetration at 50 yards (effective range). 7/8 oz (149 pellets) 20 gauge load, we'll run out of pattern density before...
  4. 5 stand

    New upland shotgun?

    20 more pallets with each 1/8 oz of lead number 5. 20 more pallets with each 1/8 oz of steel number 3. The range of each pellet is the same. Pattern density rules. You can get better pattern density at longer ranges with the 12 gauge.
  5. 5 stand

    When your son is a dog

    LOL. Nothing like a good friend!
  6. 5 stand

    2021 Outlook

    You can click on Golden Hours name and it will show you his info. He's from NESD.
  7. 5 stand

    Garmin Alpha

    Another way, to get the dog info. From the home screen. Tap on compass. Then tap on dog. It will show that dogs info, if you have multiple dogs you can tap on either of the dogs and it will show info. I think it's the same screen you're getting breeze distant traveled. Bottom left corner of that...
  8. 5 stand

    Possession Limit

    That's right Golden Hour. I'm going to worry about my possession limit. And everyone else can worry about theirs.
  9. 5 stand

    New E-collar needed

    I have Dogtra and Garmin, both have been very good. No trouble with either.
  10. 5 stand

    Waiting is . . .

    It was around the 15th last year. I suspect we'll get it this week.
  11. 5 stand

    Oh good God, PF

    Opening day needs to hurry up. We're down to nitpicking Pheasant forever photos.
  12. 5 stand

    Pheasant sounds

    Plum seeds will have to go through stratification, as Ibills mention. Google plum stratification.You will probably get better results keeping them in the refrigerator over the winter. Then plant them in the spring.
  13. 5 stand

    Prairie Chicken lottery

    Post #2 will give you an idea.
  14. 5 stand

    Cheap lead shells

    I think there will be some cheaper lead 4-6 shells at places like Walmark. But I don't think they'll be last year's cheap. I wouldn't pass up $11 a box, if you need some. But who knows?
  15. 5 stand

    Steel Shot

    Do you have a link for those $10 a box shells? In stock!
  16. 5 stand

    Filson Blaze Cap w/ear flaps

    You get ridiculed for discussing a hat on a forum.
  17. 5 stand

    Emergency haying.

    1. Forum Politics - Anything political is banned from this point forward. This is a pheasant hunting forum, I will leave it as such. If you want to get political, go over to Twitter. Twitter and/or Failbook are the perfect dumpster fires for politics. I am a libertarian/political dissident and I...
  18. 5 stand

    Off topic !

  19. 5 stand

    Off topic !

    I really enjoy the music of this talented family. I hope you do also.
  20. 5 stand

    CRP May Be Hayed or Grazed

    I hunt Kansas, and I hope to hunt it more this year. What is - in compliance, as mentioned above. Does anyone have a link? What am I supposed to report? Who am I supposed to report it to?