Search results

  1. KS GSP

    North Central Kansas Quail

    WIHA get hunted really hard in those areas last I heard. Also, a lot of the habitat has been mowed from what I've seen in other areas of KS.. I'm guessing it's no different there.
  2. KS GSP

    Kansas hunts

    CRP is mostly gone and spots are limited but we have had some decent luck on the few spots that don't have cattle and/or haven't been baled. Having a great time hunting with the in laws.
  3. KS GSP

    First time bird dog questions

    We were remodeling the kitchen when I picked up my dog and he would sleep through the loud tools and noises as a pup. Never had any issues with him and gunfire that's for sure.
  4. KS GSP

    Which upland semi-auto for pheasant?

    I have the SX4 and it's a phenomenal gun for the price.
  5. KS GSP


    I'm confused.. Who were you replying to?
  6. KS GSP

    Garmin 550 Plus and Mini collar

    Sounds like you may have a faulty device. I'd try to get a replacement.
  7. KS GSP

    How About The Weirdest, Strangest Thing you've Seen/Experienced While Hunting?

    I've had a very similar experience although not hunting. A group of us were at some railroad tracks in the middle of nowhere one night and saw what I thought was a satellite but it started moving at tremendous speeds. It kept going up and down and left and right making a cross type pattern...
  8. KS GSP

    Pheasant video

    There's nothing linked.
  9. KS GSP

    Cool stuff you see while hunting...

    I saw a military helicopter today fly right directly over me while hunting. It was flying very low due to the high winds I'm guessing which made for a unique experience.
  10. KS GSP

    Wife commandeered my shotgun

    Did you mean to link an article about 9mm vs 45? Seems kind of odd considering I don't see anyone discussing those types of pistols.
  11. KS GSP

    Public Land Prizes

    I'm not completely sure how to convert steps to miles to be honest. I'm a short guy so I take more steps than someone who is over 6' traveling the same distance.
  12. KS GSP

    Public Land Prizes

    My last couple of days have been 18-20k+ steps a day. I think the highest was around 25k.
  13. KS GSP

    Dog Crate

    To me its 600 dollars to make sure if something happens on the road my dog will be safe.
  14. KS GSP

    Dog Crate

    I switched from Ruff Tough to the Gunner and there is a huge difference in quality (and price to be fair). For the peace of mind it was worth it to me... Spend a lot of money/time on a dog so it only seems right to protect it as best you can.
  15. KS GSP

    ****Bird Dog Bunkhouse 2019****

    Any shotgun you're comfortable with shooting will work just fine.
  16. KS GSP

    Gregory County Public Land

    I was just around there and wasn't really impressed with most of the public land I saw. I think you would want to stay to the northern part of the county if you're set on that area.
  17. KS GSP


    I have those as well and they're solid.. No issues gripping a wood stock.
  18. KS GSP

    The future of bird hunting

    Odd post especially in the Introductions forum.