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  1. W

    Quail for sale-Flight ready

    Hi everyone. Anyone know of quail breeders near Kearney Ne area? Thanks!
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    Brood Reports?

    Hello All, Originally from Western Kansas. Now living in Coffey County. I have been seeing a lot of quail in the evenings when I train my dog. Great to see. Friends been seeing more pheasant broods out west then previous years. Anyone else hearing the same?
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    Best Self Guided Outfitters

    Messaged you.
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    Best Self Guided Outfitters

    Hi there, any recommendations for Self Guided Outfitters or Trespass fees info? Thanks!
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    Fair Chase Pheasants-Huron SD

    Hi there! Has anyone ever hunted with Fair Chase Pheasants out of Huron SD? I have been to their website before, but now it must be down. Do they still do hunts?
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    Quail hunting Southeast Kansas

    Curious, I heard from some old timers that Southeast Kansas used to be the mecca of quail hunting for Kansas years ago. What were the general areas that used to be the hot spots? They told me Iola, St Paul, Garnett etc... Crazy to think it was once phenomenal bird hunting...
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    Just wanted to give my opinion on why pheasant numbers are terrible in Kansas, and I also it think effects other wildlife. I think ever since No-Till Farming, and the use of pesticides, and herbicides. Pheasants, Quail, Turkeys, and even deer in my part of the state have struggled. Why doesn't...
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    Upland bird population will never fully rebound.

    I will probably get lambasted by saying this, but let's face it. The way the state of Kansas has been steering the wheel, the way farming has been going into the modern age. The pheasants and quail populations will never be like it was, nor will it probably get much better anytime in the near...
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    Best way to plant pen raised quail for hunting?

    Best way to plant pen raised quail for hunting for guests that come every year for the opener? Thank you!
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    Fall Numbers

    Northcentral Kansas seems extremely spotty with pheasants, quail looks alright. Probably going to be a below-average year again....happy hunting.
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    Kirwin NWR

    Kirwin the self-proclaimed "goose capital of Kansas" used to be a gem. I remember as a little boy my father and I had a pit lease and would do very well with the Giant Canada geese. But over the last ten years something must've happened with the migration...all Kirwin gets now is snow geese, and...
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    North central Kansas

    Well, as far as the reports from everyone and the state. I will testify for them and say they are pretty accurate at least here in north central Kansas. Where I have family ground. The quail are everywhere..the pheasants are simply not there. The spots that are usually very good for...
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    Deer Hunting

    Little too early for the rut, I won't hit the stand till around Halloween through Thanksgiving. Anyone been out yet?
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    anyone seeing any broods yet?
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    Farthest east You've shot a Kansas rooster

    Just curious whats the farthest in eastern kansas any hunter has shot a pheasant?
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    Are there going to be birds this year?

    Pheasant season starts in two months!
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    Broods/wheat harvest

    Anyone seeing any broods yet, especially with wheat harvest starting in southern and central Kansas
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    Wheat harvest

    last couple days wheat harvest is really going in full swing..any reports on bird numbers while cutting?
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    This could be a dumb question to ask..but how big does the hail have to be to kill birds? Does all hail kill?
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    Prairie Chickens/Pheasants

    Do pheasants and Prairie chickens Cohabitate? Or do they try to avoid each other does anyone know any info on this. Do they tolerate each other? Has anyone ever seen pheasants and prairie chickens feeding together or just together in general? I'm asking this because I recently shot my first...