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  1. C

    Get to know me!

    Welcome, retired Army here and I have a gsp as well.
  2. C

    Happy Veterans Day!

    Army 76 to 83 , 85 to 96
  3. C

    Opening week in South Dakota in the books!

    Well worth getting mounted.
  4. C

    Hello from the Western Slope of Colorado

    Hi from the Springs
  5. C

    New from Missouri

    Welcome,I am originally from Missouri but am in Colorado now. Retired from military here and planning on moving back to Missouri soon.
  6. C

    New guy from Iowa

  7. C

    Iowa vs Kansas

    I would gladly pay for a habitat stamp and gladly contribute a little more if possible IF it was used for habitat. If the cost of a license went to $75/$100.00 I would shake my head but pay it. Heck I have paid almost that much for a noisy, cock roach infested room before.🤣
  8. C

    Do you or don’t you tip housekeeping?

    I always leave something for the cleaning staff. I usually tell the front desk I will make up the bed myself and pick up the room as well. As I leave in the morning I take the trash out to the door and they leave clean towels and such. Then when I leave to come home I leave $5.00 for every day...
  9. C

    Dry Aging (possession limit vs daily limit)

    Would you still do this if it is freezing out or colder. I am thinking it would not stretch it frozen. Is there a temperature range. High and low TIA
  10. C

    Pierre Crop Harvest

    Thanks for the information. Appreciate it.
  11. C

    Pierre Crop Harvest

    How is the harvest going there now? Just wondering as I am considering on going or not. I usually go with the three army friends but they have not been able to go I am a disabled vet with lung problems and unfortunately have only been able to hunt around 2nd grade roads close to cut corn and if...
  12. C

    Iowa Opener

    Wishing you lots of luck.
  13. C

    Go to slaying device

    I have one I bought while in Germany 1980, great guns.
  14. C

    Colorado Forum Members

    Pair of Labs I was wondering does it he Pheasant for Ever chapter up there still have their sporting.clays shoot and if so have they already had it. Thanks Jim
  15. C

    Birds Around Rugby?

    Me three.
  16. C

    I'm back

    Darn I meant Dakotazeb
  17. C

    I'm back

    Thanks Dakotajeb, good to be back. Praying for rain in the hunting areas, here in Colorado Springs we have had our share.