Upper Butte Basin may be closed first Tues.


The area manager of the Upper Butte Basin Wildlife Area Complex (Little Dry Creek, Howard Slough, and Llano Seco) has posted a notice at Howard Slough saying that upland bird hunting permits for Llano Seco must be obtained at Howard Slough for the Monday after the pheasant opener and that Howard Slough will be closed that first Tuesday of the pheasant season. That leaves open the question of will Llano Seco be open the first Tues with permits available there or will it be closed too? It doesn't say anything about Little Dry Creek and there was no further explanation.
Here is an excerpt from DFGs website about the hunt days:

Daily Hunter Capacity: Howard Slough Unit: up to 75, with refills. Llano Seco Unit: up to 81, with refills. Little Dry Creek Unit: up to 87, with refills in free roam only.

Authorized game species: deer, rabbits, waterfowl, coots, moorhens, snipe, dove, fall turkeys and pheasants.

Waterfowl, coots, moorhens and snipe: Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday during season.
Pheasant and fall turkeys: the first Monday and Tuesday of the season as well as on waterfowl shoot days.

Wildlife areas can have abrupt emergency closures for safety reasons like flooding but there is no reason given on the notice and it seems to be arbitrary and probably will be justified based on budget constraints. People have scheduled vacation time and/or driven long distances to hunt these areas and will be justifiably P.O.'d by Steve Cordes' "last minute" action.

I take back the above statement blaming Steve Cordes for being closed Tues. I see that on Nov. 9 DFG had a news release that described the closure on Tues. and apparently reinstating the Monday shoot day. I feel lucky..I guess... to be able to hunt at all.

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