Upland Adventure

kick them up

Active member
We are thinking of making a trip up to ND in mid October to hunt Sharptails, Huns, and Roosters. If a guy wanted to hunt all three what part of the state would give him the best chances? Looking to hunt public and plots. Rooster hunting has been less than great here in KS for the last few years due to drought and owe it to the dogs to get them into birds. Not looking for any grid coordinates, but regional area would help.

Happy to return the favor if you every get to KS for Quail.

Kick'em Up!
Western 1/3 of the state, generally. Look at the GFP info…call conservation officers who are listed on the website, but wait 3 months, info will be out about bird counts, and you can watch the weather a bit more. Last winter was brutal, but there are birds around, I suspect…
Hi, you can find all these birds pretty much all over the state. The very eastern part will be tough. Anywhere west of the Missouri River, both north and south of I 94 will be your best bet. Huns are pretty much a bonus bird when hunting pheasants. Just remember that the cover/territory you'll be hunting will be different for sharpies than that you'd be hunting for Ringnecks and Huns. That being said, they all overlap, so who knows what you'll flush at any given time or place.

Best of luck!
