Time to plan for 2011


Those with long memories will recall my daughter, two sons-in-law and I went naively out to South Dakota from North Carolina, last fall. In the end, we had a very good time, hunting only public land and a few places we were able to acquire by knocking on doors. My daughter shot her very first pheasant. But I found it too nerve-wracking, to go all that distance and not be assured of at least a place to hunt, so I'm looking at other possibilities for this fall.

Through a long grapevine, I heard about a place called Otto's Pheasant Haven, which my daughter's high school tennis coach (I told you it was long!) recommends. I think it's up near Aberdeen. Can any of you veterans tell me anything about it? PM if you need to; I'm going to call and talk to David Otto this week, but what do I know...