Rooster Rut is on!


Active member
Driving around checking habitat I can sure tell that roosters are tending to hens and tending to business. One food plot I was chopping produced about 20 hens and 2 roosters. When the hens started busting out the roosters looked like keystone cops wondering where their women were going:cheers:

Driving around checking habitat I can sure tell that roosters are tending to hens and tending to business. One food plot I was chopping produced about 20 hens and 2 roosters. When the hens started busting out the roosters looked like keystone cops wondering where their women were going:cheers:

:rolleyes: 20 hens to two roosters??? --To the survivors go the spoils:)

They may have been more tired than confused ;)

Snowing over lots of South Dakota today, may shrivel up some of that enthusiasm..... a real weenie shrinker...
Just an FYI,
The partridge (Ruffed Grouse) for the last couple weeks have drumming like crazy. It should be another good season judging by the amount of drums around our place.
Hopefully no cold wet late spring rains.
hens are a setting

Was out discing food plots while older brother was cleaning up down tree limbs, at one of the brush piles he looked down and there was a hen on a nest. When if took off he counted 12 eggs. Hope the eggs make it through this last blast of cold weather, that is suppose to hit over the next 48 hours. sdviking
While their is some precipitation moving across the state from time to time it is markedly drier than it was last year. If that trend continues we should see a nice bump in nesting and brood success over last year.
conditions are drier this year in NE SD

Was home this past week and put in 30 acres of corn, low spots remain soft with good moisture, but the high ground was dry. 10 day forecast doesn't have much for rain chances. Lots of pheasants out and about which is very promising. Love the sound of the prairie in the Spring.. viking