Might plan a trip to MT this fall for sharpies and huns


Well-known member
Was thinking about either ND or MT for some sharpies and huns. Really don't care too much about the pheasant as I can shoot them here but the other two I can't.

Where is the best area in the state for these birds? Most public land? I was thinking the far easter edge but not sure. PM if you would rather. I understand not wanting to put too much info on the web. :thumbsup:
Go to the website and study the info

Go to th Montana hunting website and start poking around in the species distribution maps and study them and compare it to the Block managment areas, BLM,and state lands. Montana is huge so each year I just pick an area and get to know it. I hunt a little and explore a little. Sharpies are easier to find than Huns but after a few years of exploring you will better understand the land and where to go. Good Luck!
Thank you. Pretty much what I was looking for. Just a few hints on how to start.

Are you from the Table Rock lake area by chance?
Well Not Really

Live here in Mn. but have a lake home on Tablerock Shell Knob area if you know were that is ? Its a haul from here but once Im down thier man o man its nice.:10sign:
Sure do. Use to do a lot of tournament fishing. That was my favorite lake to go to! Been there many times.
Montnana Sharps and Huns

As a 4th generation Montanan, I have found many landowners are receptive to Sharp and Hun hunters (not so much for those regal pheasants). Anywhere in the eastern 1/2 of the state will hold birds. Don't hesitate to knock on doors and ask for permission when you see good looking habitat.

Go online to Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks to find Block Management Areas. BMA's offer public hunting. If you need lodging, NE Montana will be a problem with the current oil activity. Make reservations before leaving. Good Luck - Bucketmouth
Bucketmouth, haven't been on this site for awhile. Thanks for the information. I'll for sure keep that in mind. I'm really interested in only huns and sharpies. Most of the time I can shoot all the phez I want here, well except for last year and most likely this year!