Lost my friend


New member
[reposted from main bird dog forum to see if any of you around the upper mid-west know of anyone mixing setters and goldens.]

Toby, my 15-month-old Irish Setter/Golden Retriever was hit and killed by the rural school bus in front of my farm yesterday afternoon. What a loss. As my wife said this morning when we woke up at the usual time we'd take Toby for his morning walk, "This f@cking sucks." Amen, dear... Amen.

If anyone knows of a breeder for this cross I would really appreciate some info. I wanted a setter, she wanted a Golden and we stumbled upon a mix and won't ever change if we can help it. Love those friends of yours, they're a pretty special blessing.
Very sorry to hear off your loss. Having recently put down a dog of my own so I know what your going through. Sorry i can't help with the breeder, but your in our thoughts.
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