Looking for places to pheasant hunt in Lewistown


New member
Hi all.

Got a new GSP and want to take a trip out to lewistown this fall. I have the block management maps but thought access fee properties might be worth a look at too. I live in Bozeman so I dont have the time to go knocking on doors before I go. Anyone know of any access fee properties in that area.

Welcome worstshot,
I think most of the guides or outfitters in that area offer a upland or pheasant hunt.
Thanks mnmt.

But I dont have that kind of cash. I was thinking more of ranchers or farmers that allow you to hunt on the land for say 50.00 bucks or so...
Thanks mnmt.

But I dont have that kind of cash. I was thinking more of ranchers or farmers that allow you to hunt on the land for say 50.00 bucks or so...

As my mom used to tell me, "If you never have a dream, you'll never have one come true."
I think you'll find it's either expensive or free with free being non- existent except for BMA and similar spots in the Lewistown area unless you know somebody. You can tell how they look at upland hunting by checking the BMA rules for the areas near Lewistown. A number of the big ones in the valley don't allow upland hunting but encourage big game hunters. It's usually the other way around so what they seem to want is to have the deer shot off their graze.
All you really can do is knock on doors and ask. You'll get turned down a lot more than finding a landowner that will let you hunt. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been told no, but every once in a while you'll be surprised by a yes. You never know until you ask. I would suggest hunting the BMA's and any public land during the middle of the week as there's usually fewer hunters in the field. While you're there, do some scouting and knock on doors. I think the only paid hunting you're going to find is through guides/outfitters and that gets expensive.