General Signup?


Active member
I got some questions in to Landman on this but the way I see it, unless they change something in the new signup from the way things were done in the old there won't be much interest in it. Grain prices ain't terrible and cash rents are pretty good these days.

What do you guys think?
I spoke to the owner over at Caribou and he doesn't feel that a walk in program will catch on in MN. He said the farmers he knows would not be interested in having the public get all access to any piece of their land. Not to mention the price they are willing to pay and the cover requirements and upkeep are too troublesome for the price.
Doesn't sound good from his perspective but that's only 1 opinion.
Guess I would see it the other way U. They were losing their arse on these marginal acres before, that won't be any different now, probably worse. May be different in the corn belt, but in the wheat belt I think it would be well received.
PD: That still does not address the issue that in some areas of MN the farmers do not want the public to have at will access on their land. Regardless of the monetary arguement; at will public access will need to be addressed before MN will stand a shot according to the farmers I spoke with in south central MN
Even with the non-tillable acres the farmers are getting better rates leasing those acres to hunters for a higher dollar than enrolling them into the sign up. Like I said this is not my opinion, it's straight from the farmers mouth.
I would love for MN to have a WIA program like KS and can't wait to see the day it happens.
We have the same problem in eastern Kansas and around our main population centers. Our newest attempt to make inroads there is to make the new WIHA's in that area have the option to be special hunts where a limited number of people gain access to the private land and it is never opened for just anyone to hunt. It's so new that I can't tell you if it is a success yet, but it is another option to try.
Just remember about fuel prices. The way it is going and the uncertainty the sign up might be a great deal!!! I know it is a long term deal, but why go through all the effort when you can put your time into something else , while your fields are making money for you, and you are doing just a little work and not spending money on fuel and worrying about crop price's or weather???