Best way to introduce training dummies to pup?


New member
I have a 4.5mo ESS and we've played a fair amount of fetch with toys and balls, but I've tried a few times with a puppy sized training dummy and have gotten mixed results. I've been in a short, enclosed hallway, and tossed it maybe 2-3 times, gave her lots of praise,and all that stuff.. since they've only been used during these short sessions, the dummy is so new to her, she typically wants to chew a bit on it and figure it out â??*she'll (maybe) come to me and laydown with it in her mouth. I don't want it to be another toy she has free time with (right?), but I want to her to be comfortable with it, and willing to bring it all the way to me and give it up. Is it just a matter of time?

Is there a better way I should be doing this?

this is my favorite i like staying with one toy especially the tennis ball two or three times a day stay with that toy until they do it perfect consistantly to your liking i didnt stop until my pup would jump her two front feet into my stomach so i wouldnt have to bend over remember stop at a positive retrieve they remember more than you know
My pup has tons of toys but when we get down to bissness dumby only
if the pup dumby is or you feel it is to large i start with an old pair of socks
rolled into dumby shape then graduate it to the dumby.repitition is the key.
keep playing it will pay off.
p.s. i also forgot when you catch your pup chewing on random stuff around the house remove item and replace with dumby, she must think its ok to have
and will start to pick up dumby instead of the wifes heels or the kids undies.
thanks guys. She just lost her first canine tooth. I thnk i'll hold off for a bit so she doesn't look at the dummy as a chew toy. (at least that's what someone told me to do while she was teething). she's been retrieving the tennis ball fairly well before that. I'll work on it some until she's consistent then move on to the dummy. thanks
Yes when she is teething stop, thats a reason she will mess around. I do not recomend you let the dog chew on the dummy, when she is free running to replace something. Get some other durable chews for that. Like cow hoofs, they work well. O,P gave you good advice. When the dog comes in be on your but to start, the hallway is the right idea, but if she chews take it away, if she holds praise. She will screw around on a certain toss, if it's 3 stop at 2, if it's 2 stop at 1. Stop every time with her wanting more. Some crate time helps alot too instead of free running.
FCS - she doesn't get much free time, well, really any unless we're around. She spends so much time in her crate, I almost feel guilty. BUT, I know it's keeping her out of trouble, and I make sure to give her plenty of walks and play time with me or my wife. I'm also happy to say there isn't a damn squeeky toy in the house (scratch that, there are, but they are NOT in reach or in use - some folks gave us some, and they're in a bag in the closet).

I've put the dummies away for now while the teeth are still falling out. But, when we come back from our walks, I toss the tennis ball down the hallway (50-60 feet or so) it let's her run off leash full speed without distraction, and it seems to be help in building her retrieving drive. I have seen a great increase in interest, and consistency to bring the tennis ball back recently. I only give her two, maybe three to keep it short and fun tho. thanks.
My vote has always been to keep it simple especially early on. To do that I always stick with the old faithful tennis ball for retrieving.

There are 2 times I believe the retrieving dummy is the best option to introduce.

1) If the dog is showing hard mouth tendencies when retrieving. Then I go to a retrieving dummy that has knobs or bumps on it to discourage the hard mouthing.

2) Getting the dog used to retrieving a bird or feathered object (before I have the dog retrieve its first bird I will use a retrieving dummy wrapped in a pheasant skin). *A frozen bird is always a good option too instead of the training dummy for this instance (if available).